Cessna 172RG Flight Simulator - Hardware and Software
Motherboard - Gigabyte GA-73PVM-S2 (Chosen as it has on-board Nvidia graphics Note: no longer used)
CPU - Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 2.83GHz
Graphics Card - MSI Twin Frozr GEFORCE GTX 780 OC Edition 3GB
Memory - 2 X 2GB Modules - Kingston HyperX DDR2 KHX6400D2/2G
ADF Indicator
Heading Indicator
VOR1 Indicator
VOR2 Indicator
Bank and Turn Indicator
Attitude Indicator
Airspeed Indicator
Vertical Speed Indicator
Fuel Indicator Left/Right
Fuel Flow Indicator
Oil Temp and Oil pressure Indicator
Suction Guage and Ammeter
WET Compass
Flaps Switch
Trim Wheel
Gear Switch
Indicator Panel
Throttle Control
Mixture Control
Propellor Pitch Control
Printed Front Panel
Force Feedback Yoke
Motorised Elevator Trim Control
Motorised Landing Gear Switch
Fuel Tank Switch
GPS/NAV Switch Panel
Audio Panel
Windows 7 SP1 32bit (Note: Simkits CCU2 will not work with 64bit version)
Lockheed Martin Prepar3D Version 2.x
FSUIPC4.x by Peter Dowson
GTN750 by Flight1 Software
Built using Microchip's MPLAB IDE v8.92 in either Assembler or C
Built as a single application using Microsoft's Visual C# 2010.
The application is timer driven, with a TAB for each USB connected Radio Stack module. The TAB header shows an indication of the status of the module ie. either connected or not connected.
Debug capability is available for each device, this was used during development and can be disabled if desired.
THE ADF/AutoPilot module is shown, with a virtual representation of what is displayed on its LCD.